Saturday, January 3, 2009

Late pregnancy behavior

Lets see, in the last 10 days Wife has hit me with
Re-finance the house; pay off truck; buy new (used) car; build new house; remodel bathrooms; remodel kitchen; remodel house; make her shelves.
Tonight alone we had; go buy linoleum; get estimates on windows; go get milkshakes; go home; go to Target.....
Right now (6pm) she is grocery shopping. Lord knows what she will buy because she is feeling "snacky".

There is an ice storm coming; think she will have the baby soon?


The Microblogologist said...

Hehehe, hope she does if she hasn't already and hopefully she goes into labor when the roads aren't too slick. Thankfully by now you should be good at driving on crappy roads though, I know my winter driving skills have greatly increased since moving here from Chicago. Chicago salts and the roads are snow and iceless within about a day of a storm. Here we wait for spring it seems, which cannot come soon enough, sigh!


loren said...

There's an ice storm coming? I haven't been watching the news.

Make sure to agree to all of her demands, and then break it to her gently after the baby's born that it ain't gonna happen :)

Brenton said...

Could you do something about tensions in the Gaza strip while you are at it?