As the family gets ready for vacation we have a BUNCH of things to get taken care of.
Jill harvested 1,500 onions from the garden so that they can start drying. I have been doing maintainence on the car. After all, if your battery explodes, it must be time to replace the plugs and belts, brakes and fluids, right?
And the house. My advice to you, wonderful readers, is this; NEVER buy a used log home. I have been caulking all of the logs and will be staining them. As I go around the house and look for weather checking I am finding evidence of years of neglect. Another thing about log homes most people (myself included) don’t realize is that every other to every four years you have to inspect and caulk the entire outside of the house, all the way to the roof.
The little guy had his 6mo check up this week. He is 18#1oz and is 29inches long. The doc says he is in the 95th% for height. Just like his sister. It seems Jill and I are raising tall children. I had the pleasure of getting the little guy to sleep on my chest last night. I cannot convey the feeling of having the boy drink his bottle, pass out in my arms, and snore at me. When we were at the DR office, I had a list of things we were concerned about… he doesn’t sit up yet, he doesn’t hold his bottle on his own, he doesn’t really want solids much, he spits up periodically – a lot! The doc listened to my litany of whining and then asked what we expected, he is only six months old. Apparently, he isn’t going to keep up with his sister as she does things – go figure!
We introduced Kat to watercolors a week ago. Crayola Crayons makes really neat watercolors balls that are just right for small hands. Kat’s canvas of choice is herself. As soon as we get the paints out, she paints her tummy blue and her arms read and her legs are either blue or yellow. Then, once she is painted, she wants to HUG everyone. Or sit on their lap.
BTW, the round things by Kat in her paint picture are zucchini! Jill found a round zuke in Johnny’s Seeds and thought she would try them out. They are really good and tasty. So far we have tried Zbread, grilled Z, Zbrownies, saute’d Z, eggs & Z. I cannot wait to see what me try to do with that stuff next!
I also wanted to share that I golfed again… First time since 2006. I didn’t count the strokes, but I did get around 9 holes in just 4 balls. For not having played for three years, I was terrible. I am happy to claim that I was able to drive the ball past the ladies tee on all of my tee shots. Not by much, mind you, but past is past. We had a lot of potential in our foursome. I don’t know for what, but the potential is there.