Well tonight I had one of my first, “It’s too quiet in there.” The little girl had gone into her bedroom for a while. I assumed she was just playing quietly. She came out carrying a baby wipe. Oops, where did she get that?
When I went into her room, I looked around. What was out of place? Why was the diaper pail lid cocked over? When I looked, I saw part of a sock sticking out.
A sock? Why would there be a sock in her diaper pail?
So then I noticed that all of her clothes were off of her dresser. A new trick she learned, she can reach the top of her dresser and pull her clothes and changing supplies off the top. But why would there be a sock in her diaper pail?
So I opened the lid to her diaper pail and what greets me? All of her clothes stuffed into her diaper pail. She has seen us drop her diaper in the pail and pull the lid over, dropping the dirty diaper down into the plastic bag. She must have thought it looked like fun so she first put all of her socks in, then a couple of onesies, a pair of shoes, a comb, a tube of dr ointment and some pants.
Great….. Just what I want to do is reach into the diaper pail and rescue her clothes.
Silly girl.